Andreas Korff
Head of Systems and Software Engineering
MAHLE International GmbH
Andreas Korff
Head of Systems and Software Engineering
MAHLE International GmbH
Maria Eckey
Lead Consultant
UL Solutions
Over the last years, one of the most common challenges for traditionally mechanic centric companies is the shift towards SW and Systems Engineering. The processes and tools for traditional mechanics development are mature and well established. Software and Systems Engineering processes are new, volatile and the supporting tools and methods are not reliably compatible with the “traditional world”. Silos are created and the quality of the overall product suffers as a result. A buzzword for some years now has been the digital thread, which fits very well with the world view of systems engineering. In a development process, there are many work products that belong together and depend on each other. They form a network of information and data, but very often the links between them only exist implicitly, which is particularly true for mechanical developments because their work artifacts are difficult to link as documents. Requirements documents, simulations, parameter coordination and CAD models are created separately and only the design is compiled hierarchically as an eBOM in a PDM system. This is too late, and mechanical system development (components are systems too!) can learn from system development according to ASPICE. It is important that efficiency does not suffer, as additional work cannot be carried out in tightly budgeted projects. So both worlds can learn from each other. In this talk, we will present an approach to a common Information model to make the implicit knowledge explicit and define a common pattern in mechanical and mechatronics systems development.
Short biography
Andreas Korff
Andreas Korff is Head of Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) at Mahle and an expert on Model Based Systems Engineering.
Since 1986, Andreas helped define Systems Engineering, both as a (former) member of OMG, INCOSE, GI, prostep ivip and DIN and by working as a Systems Engineer himself. After his Diploma in Computer Science he succeeded in a multitude of industries, including aerospace, industrial automation and automotive, working with models since 1991, UML since 2001 and SysML since 2007.
He is the author of a book on modeling of embedded systems with UML and SYSML and was a major influence on the development of the ptc Modeler.
In his daily work, Andreas works on bridging processes, methods and tools with project needs, pushing for standards wherever useful and possible. Leading a highly skilled team of experts, he facilitates the journey of MAHLE towards the future of integrated Systems Engineering.
Maria Eckey
Maria Eckey is a Lead Consultant, ASPICE Competent Assessor and ALM Tool Expert.
During her over 11 years with Method Park by UL / SIS, she has supported companies worldwide on their journey towards ASPICE compliant Systems Engineering. As consultant, trainer and assessor she has faced a broad range of constellations, successes and challenges.
With a MSc in Industrial Engineering with focus on Information Technology and Production Sciences, she knows both the worlds of Hardware, Mechanics, Production, and Systems and Software Engineering.
Over the last years, Maria has conducted a series of workshops in Germany and Asia on the status of integration between ALM and PLM tooling in practice.
Maria is passionate about supporting people and organizations in their growth, both as a coach for her customers and a people leader at UL.